Valsayn man declared dead after road accident in Barataria
39-year-old man lost his life in a fatal road accident along the highway in the Barataria neighbourhood of San Juan on 17 April.
Written by Chloe Wilson
2024-04-18 09:56:26
Trinidad and Tobago: A 39-year-old man lost his life in a fatal road accident with another motor vehicle while he was travelling along the highway in the Barataria neighbourhood of San Juan. The life-taking accident took place early in the dark on Wednesday, 17 April, around 2:45 am.
The identity of the deceased male victim who lost his life in a fatal road accident in Barataria, located in the northwestern part of Trinidad, was disclosed to be Christen Lewis as per the documents. Christen Lewis lived in the Bamboo Settlement of Valsayn locality near the San Juan town.
As per the reports on the Barataria road accident, the incident took place on the day at nearly 2:45 am while the victim was travelling along the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway. The victim was proceeding in his way in his motor vehicle which was a car of Toyota in white colour and was sitting on the passenger seat while someone else was driving the vehicle.
As the victim, in his motor car went to the locality of Solo Beverage along the highway, an other motor vehicle which was a Chevy Colorado car of white colour entered the scene. The other car which was also travelling along the highway went out of the control of the driver.
The other motor, which was proceeding on the road behind the motor car of the victim, struck him from behind after losing control, which became the reason for the fatal accident in Barataria. The collision led the driver of the victim’s car to lose control, and the motor vehicle went off track, striking the metal barrier on the left side along the road.
Reportedly, the vehicles spun and crash-stopped on the highway which left the occupier of both vehicles injured with wounds. The incident of the crash was noticed by the other people passing along the highway who went for help.
The act of road accident in Barataria was reported to the police department and the emergency health service for the rescue. Subsequently, all the injured victims of the accident were taken to the Mt Hope Hospital for treatment under the observation of medical staff.
The police officers initiated the investigation and conducted inquiries around the case of the accident. The change of the case is under the woman Cpl Lewis. Meanwhile, in the hospital, other injured victims of the accident were treated while Christen Lewis was reported as non-survivor officially around 4:50 am.
The last case of the accident that was recorded, which took the life of an individual, was on Saturday, 13 April. The fatal accident took place along the Guapo Road in Fyzabad while the victim was travelling and got involved in a crash.
The deceased man was identified as Travis Jack, who was a security officer at John Jules Trace in Fyzabad, Trinidad and Tobago. Till now, the nation has observed twenty-seven road accidents, which took the life of the individuals involved this year.
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