Saint Catherine police probing suicide case of Hellshire

Saint Catherine police is investigating the case of suicide in which a man found dead inside his motor car in Hellshire.

28th of July 2024

Saint Catherine police probing suicide case of Hellshire. Image Credit: The Maine Criminal Defense Group

Jamaica: The police department of Saint Catherine is probing the matter of another death in which a man presumably committed suicide in the locality of Hellshire in the parish. The incident was explored and reported to the authorities on the early morning of Saturday, 27 July, around 04:30 am.

The dead body of the man who killed himself in the registered suicide case of Hellshire was found inside a motor car that was owned by him. The dead man is identified as a local resident of the Saint Catherine Parish in Jamaica, who lives at his residence located at Two East in Greater Portmore.

The deceased man in the Hellshire suicide case is identified by the law enforcement agency and mentioned in the report. The age of the dead man is disclosed to be 35 years; he was known among the people as Ira Roberts, which was his name in the documents.

As per the information collected about the Hellshire suicide case, the man was out in the locality of the town away from his home when he presumably killed himself. The man was inside his motor vehicle parked near a bridge in Hellshire. The death of the man was observed by passing people who informed the police department about it.

In the early morning, the time was recorded around 04:30 am when the police department got notified about the dead body of a man spotted in the region. After receiving the information, the officers on duty headed to the mentioned place to take note of the matter.

It is mentioned in the details that the responding law-protecting offices arrived at the scene and found the collected information to be a fact. The police officers saw the dead man lying inside a car, after which the scene was sealed for the regular people, and the investigation was started.

Reportedly, the police officers found that the dead man had a gunshot wound over his forehead, which was noted as the primary reason for his death. It is said that there were no possible marks seen that the man was shot from outside of the motor car.

Anyhow, the police officers found a gun inside the motor car. The gun belonged to the dead man, who was a licensed firearm holder. All the scenarios at the site of Hellshire pointed out that the death of the man was the result of a suicide attempt. The wound on the forehead was also examined and came out to be a self-inflicted gunshot. However, the investigation is active, and the officers are waiting for the post-mortem report to give direction to the case.