Fraser-Pryce qualified for her last match at the Paris Olympics
Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce qualified for Paris Olympics, following her great win at National Stadium, Kingston, Jamaica.
Written by Amara Campbell
2024-06-29 12:41:12

Jamaica: The two-time Olympic winner, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce qualified for Paris Olympics, following her great win at National Stadium, Kingston, Jamaica.
The Paris Olympics which are going to take place in France from 26 July to 11 August is the last match for the 37-year-old, Fraser-Pyrce.
Fraser-Pryce,10 times World champion is going to be retired the end of this summer. She garnered immense love from her supporters as she ran her last race at the 2024 JAAA/PUMA National Senior and Junior Championships which is currently happening at National Stadium, Independence Park, Kingston, Jamaica.
Fraser-Pryce topped the tournament after defending champion Shericka Jackson with a mere difference of 0.01 sec.
Fraser-Pryce, often regarded as one of the greatest sprinters of all time, is a Jamaican track and field sprinter, who competes in the 60 m,100m, and 200m categories.
Following the retirement of Olympic champion Elaine Thompson-Herah due to an Achilles injury, netzines are hoping for a gold medal from her.
On the other hand, in the men’s championship, Kishane Thompson took control with a world leading score of 9.77 seconds in Men’s 100m Final.
Thompson defeated Oblique Seville and Ackeem Blake who completed the race within 9.82 and 9.92 seconds respectively and attained second and third position respectively.
Fraser-Pryce, thanked the fans over her Facebook post as she wrote
“Before God and all mankind, I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart! Thank you so much for the outpouring of love tonight”
The users commented and congratulated the queen on her post. Angela Rosa Lee, a user on Facebook commented “We’ve nothing but love for you Shelly. Congratulations.”
Another user Sonia Mayers shared her blessings and said “Congratulations to you Shelly may God continue to guide you”
“Heartiest congrats Mama Rocket!!! Our love for you is endless!!! We could never repay you for all you’ve done throughout your career. We owe you everything, you owe us NOTHING . From a grateful nation, thank you!!! remember this is your year you got this “Alecia Forbes, a Facebook user congratulated Fraser-Pryce while calling her out as Mama Rocket.
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