DLP never shied away from challenges, but tackled them with determination: PM Roosevelt Skerrit

During the conference, Prime Minister Dr Skerrit outlined the response and the initiatives of his Dominica Labour Party towards the challenges posed by the devastation caused by the natural calamities.

Written by Anglina Byron

2024-11-12 09:46:22

Roseau, Dominica: Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit recalled the period of devastation caused by Tropical Storm and Hurricane Maria during the Delegates’ Conference on Sunday. He said that the Dominica Labour Party has never shied away from the challenges, but has tackled them head on not with fear, but with the determination. 

He said that their determination and resilience towards the destruction positioned Dominica as leaders and recalled the time of Hurricane Maria destruction when everyone said Dominica has finished and today, that world cannot talk about resilience unless they talk about the Commonwealth of Dominica. 

“The world is amazed as what we have been able to do as a national largely with our own resources and the lord is with and when the world said it would take us 20 years to rebuild Dominica, it took us 24 months to rebuild Dominica.” 

DLP’s Response to Challenges During Devastation

During the conference, Prime Minister Dr Skerrit outlined the response and the initiatives of his Dominica Labour Party towards the challenges posed by the devastation caused by the natural calamities. 

He said that the initiatives like the emergency agricultural livelihoods, climate resilience project and the house recovery program has restored hope and renewed the strength of Dominica. PM Skerrit asserted that this is time to feel pride in their approach of building housing policy as it has protected Dominicans from the current global housing price increases that are currently putting stress on families across Caribbean. 

Agriculture Sector

Agriculture has faced its share of challenges and the impact of the World Trade Organization's change in policy that prompted them to rethink agriculture in Dominica, as per the Prime Minister. 

He said that the agriculture sector will largely be benefited by the opening of the international airport as it will accommodate more passengers who will get access to natural agriculture products of Dominica. 

While extending his support to the sector, PM Skerrit noted, ”We have been there and will do even more for our farmers, and I tell you that now is the time of opportunity to invest in farming, because when the international airport opens, there will be more tourists coming to our island who will need high-end diverse local produce.” 

The airline will open the markets to the world and PM Skerrit added that this is time to think of the opportunities beyond the crops, think of the opportunities in flower that the country abundantly, providing chance to export the beauty of Dominica globally. 

Resilience Success is Result of Collective Efforts of Every Dominican:  PM Skerrit 

PM Dr Skerrit extended gratitude to every Dominican during his speech by saying the resilience journey does not belong to him alone as it really it their journey. “Every success we celebrate is the result of collective effort from senior party stalwarts to grassroot supporters.” 

He said that every Dominican has played a vital role in their accomplishments and took a bow to party stalwarts and supporters, grassroots people. 

Recognition to Diaspora

While continuing his gratitude to the diaspora, he noted that they have taken leave from work to come here to express their gratitude to the Labour Party and to renew their commitment and support to them. 

“We thank you, you are Dominicans, you’ ll always be Dominica, so even with this electoral reform, we’ll ensure that we protect the rights of Dominicans living overseas to vote,” said PM Skerrit. 

Developmental Programs for upholding dynamic Dominica 

Listing out the programs of the welfare of the people of Dominica, PM Roosevelt Skerrit noted that the programs like the National Employment Program and the Yes, We Care are the proofs of their shared labour, proof of what they can achieve when they unite behind a common purpose. 

PM Skerrit noted that the programs have given Dominicans across the length and breadth of the nature island opportunity and dignified work. 

He said that building a better country, clearing the drains, and beautifying the roads may be hard work, but it is necessary in the tropical mountainous island to protect the communities from flooding and to uphold the natural beauty of dynamic and rising Dominicans. 

PM Roosevelt Skerrit asserted that the development has become possible due to the United and Progressive team of the Dominica Labour Party. 

He further encouraged his team to continue their efficient work for the well-being of the nation and said that they must be in the communities of Dominica and work as representation is about being present and serving the people. 

“I challenge you this, attend the events in the community, visit to the faith leaders, visit the elderly and the sick dropping on the schools, talk to the students, mourn with your community at the funeral and celebrate with them at their birthdays and be the host of their events, that is my challenge for the representative of Dominica Labour Party.” 

CBI Programme is cornerstone of Dominica’s development: PM Skerrit 

Talking about the CBI Programme, Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit referred to it as the cornerstone of Dominica’s development and condemned the opposition for spreading fake propaganda. 

PM Skerrit said that the propaganda has been denying the opportunities to have decent homes, denying opportunities to have decent healthcare, denying opportunities for children to be universities, denying opportunities to have international airport to bring more and more better jobs in Dominica. 

“If they destroy the CBI, no more housing, no more roads, no more small business support, no more NEP, no more Yes We Care, the government would lose, they’ll come into government, they prepared to lose the entire soul and to destroy the fabric of our nation,” said the prime minister. 

He called the CBI as the lifeblood for the people of Dominica as when the entire world is facing economic hardship driven by global tensions, the programme helped the country to stand firm. He added that the CBI Programme is sound and transparent, and it has brought tangible benefits to the people and it is their duty to defend the programme with confidence and conviction. 

“We know the steps we have taken to ensure its transparency and effectiveness, we are not the party of chaos and confusion, we are the party of stability and progress, integrity.” 

He stressed that they are the labour party and they must never allow their flame to dim, they must reignite it with a renewed sense of purpose, energy and commitment when the people of Dominica see them, they must also feel that renewed energy that sharpened focused. 

PM Skerrit called the labour party as the leader who leads from the front and they will continue to do so with the same boldness and determination that has brought them this far.