Is creative economy booming in Nevis through infrastructural projects?

According to the reports, different road projects, the Cultural Complexes and other Recreational Park are aimed at contributing well in the growth of the infrastructure in Nevis.

11th of October 2024

Nevis: Nevis- a sister island of St Kitts has been making transformation in the creative economy by launching new projects in the infrastructure. With small businesses, local products, agriculture, tourism industry and a young population, the island nation has been seeking a revolution of its economy. 

According to the reports, different road projects, the Cultural Complexes and other Recreational Park are aimed at contributing well in the growth of the infrastructure in Nevis. In a recent post, Premier Mark Brantley shared the developments that are underway in the island nation and stated that the infrastructure will support the creative economy. 

Creative Economy Projects

Creative Economy is driven by the hosting of different festivals, including Carnivals, Christmas, Musical events, New Year Eve, Independence celebrations, and many more. Tourists visit these places during their vacations and spend their time participating in cultural events. Through this, the economy is generated as tourists spend money on hotel bookings, food, buying things from street vendors and other small business holders, hire taxis or buses, and appoint tour guides for better exposure. 

Due to this, the improvements in the infrastructure that helps in generating creative economy play a significant role, and Premier Brantley shed light on these projects. 

First, he talked about the upgrades at the Cultural Village, Nevis Performing Arts Centre and NEDACS Culturama Complex where the prime festival called Nevis Culturama Festival is held every year. The improvements at the complexes contributed to enhancing experience for the travellers who travelled to the island during Culturama. 

Secondly, the government also built the David Freeman Centre of Excellence in the heart of Gingerland which is designed to host smaller performances outside the city centre. The investment has also been made in musical instruments and equipment to assist local music artists. 

The government of Nevis will soon introduce music instruction in all the schools. The Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park was also improved to host Tropixx. The partnership was also made with promoters and other stakeholders to sponsor the events in Nevis. 

With this, Nevis turned out to be one of the few places in the Caribbean with readymade “plug and play” venues for the performing arts. 

The developments are lauded by Premier Mark Brantley who noted, ”As creatives in Nevis and the wider Federation we are asking you to make full use of these facilities. We have built them. It’s now up to you to use them. We stand ready willing and able to partner with you as we continue growing Nevis together.”

 St Peters Road Rehabilitation Project

The multi-million-dollar St. Peters Road Rehabilitation Project is underway in Nevis through which the roundabouts will be added, the drainage systems will be upgraded and the sidewalks, new road networks will be enhanced. 

The project is expected to be completed over the next 4 to 6 weeks and the new road will enhance the connectivity across the region. The new road is also expected to bring new opportunities for the people residing in the community, further contributing to the economy in Nevis. 

Hence, these projects are being taken into consideration by the government to foster the economy and supporting small business across Nevis.