74-year-old pensioner killed by stabbing in Fyzabad
74-year-old male pensioner found dead in stabbing attack at his home in Fyzabad and in a partially burnt condition on 02 June.
Written by Chloe Wilson
2024-06-04 10:09:06

Trinidad and Tobago: A 74-year-old male pensioner was found dead in the fatal stabbing attack at his home in Fyzabad. The dead body of the old man was discovered in a partially burnt condition by the responding officers on the evening of Sunday, 02 June, around 04:45 pm. The culprit is still unknown to the authorities as anyone was not suspected of committing the criminal act.
The deceased senior citizen of Fyzabad, who became the victim of the stabbing attack after which he was burnt, is identified by his official name, Henry Mungal. Henry Mungal is disclosed to be a resident of a neighbourhood along John Jules Road Extension and Joseph Street in Fyzabad. Fyzabad is a town in the southwest of Trinidad Island.
As per the reports related to the Fyzabad stabbing case, the information on the crime in the area of their jurisdiction was received by the law enforcement unit after the incident was revealed by locals. The report of the murder of the old pensioner was made to the authorities, after which the action was taken by assigned officers in response.
At nearly 04:45 pm on the day, a team of police officers from the South Western Division Task Force in the Fyzabad Police District made their way to the ground. Cpl Sinclair with PC Collin, PC Jagoo, and PC Bryan arrived at the scene along John Jules Road, where they were assisted to the flat concrete structure where the dead body was spotted.
The responding team of police officers confirmed the report of a murder and sealed the area in order to protect the clues. The investigating officers spotted the dead body of the old man in a burnt condition, which was lying on the bed. The body of the old man was found with stabbing wounds. He was attacked by the culprit on his stomach multiple times, which became the reason behind the loss of his life.
The initial phase of the investigation was initiated and the crime scene was photographed by the investigation team of police officers. The lawmen removed a knife from the place of the crime, which was seized as the potential weapon used to commit murder. The proceeding was led by CSI’s WPC Marshall.
Doctor Johanna Degannes, the designated medical officer, also visited the crime scene after the summon. Doctor Degannes examined the dead body of the old man, after which he shared his points with the investigating team and made an official pronouncement. Afterwards, the dead body was taken from the crime site to Dass Funeral Home.
The dead body of the man was kept safe in Dass Funeral Home, after which the post-mortem was to be executed in the Forensic Science Centre of Saint James, Port of Spain. The operation is ongoing by the police department to find the reason behind the act of stabbing in the Fyzabad case. The culprit is still out in the open whom police officers are trying to trace and arrest.
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