Spalding police tracing five culprits of robbery and abduction
Clarendon parish a case of abduction and robbery from a supermarket in Spalding by five suspects which is under investigation.
Written by Chloe Wilson
2024-07-17 05:13:34
Jamaica: The parish of Clarendon in the island nation recorded a case of abduction and robbery from a supermarket in the region of Spalding, which went under investigation by the local police unit. The incident was recorded when the five suspects went inside the supermarket to loot the place during daylight time on Sunday, 14 July, around 02:00 pm.
It is reported that the five suspects of the abduction and robbery in the locality of Spalding, Jamaica, unexpectedly entered the Sun Mart Supermarket and announced their intention. The suspect looted the place and took an undermined sum of money from the cash counter. The two people were taken hostage by the criminals while living in the place who were the business operators and were reported to be of Chinese origin.
As per the collected information in the abduction and robbery case in Spalding, the five suspects were carrying lethal weapons with them, which they used to loot the supermarket on the day. It is said that the five armed men entered the business space and threatened everyone present at the property with lethal weapons so that no one could take action against them.
It is mentioned that the five suspects took control of the place forcefully and went to the business operators with demand of cash. Subsequently, the armed bandits collected all the cash, adding the daily sales collection of the business, and left the place. While leaving the supermarket, the armed suspects pointed the weapons at the two Chinese nationals and took them hostage.
The Chinese nationals who were working at the supermarket of Spalding as business operators were abducted after the robbery and were used to escape the space without any extra hustle. It is revealed that the five suspects of the criminal act were using a Toyota Axio motor car during the robbery, in which they arrived at the supermarket.
Subsequently, the armed suspect got back to their motor vehicle and left the property of the Sun Mart Supermarket along with two men of Chinese origin under their control. Later, the information was disclosed that both Chinese men were released by the five suspects. The hostages in the abduction and robbery case were left in the community of Booth Town after being taken from the supermarket of Spalding.
The information about the abduction of the two Chinese business operators during the robbery at a supermarket was given to the Spalding police unit immediately after the incident. The police officers in the region were alerted about the crime, and the investigation was launched after the confirmation of the information. The released Chinese business operators were also questioned for collecting clues against the five armed culprits. The case is in progress.
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