Indian Walk man suffers severe injuries in a targeted shooting
Princes Town district police is probing an attempted murder in which a man was wounded by shooting in Indian Walk.
Written by Chloe Wilson
2024-07-18 06:12:08

Trinidad and Tobago: The law enforcement unit of the Princes Town district is probing a case of attempted murder in which a man was wounded in a shooting attack in the locality of Indian Walk. The attempt to kill the victim was made by an armed assailant at his home in the daylight on Tuesday, 16 July, around 02:28 pm. The victim was left injured in the cat and is now admitted to the hospital for treatment.
It is known that the criminal act of shooting took place against the injured victim at a property owned by him in the neighbourhood of Indian Walk along Moruga Road, Trinidad. However, the details of the male victim who suffered severe injuries in the act are not confirmed for now.
As per the collected information on the case of the shooting in Indian Walk, the victim man was available at his home on the day when the armed suspect approached him. It is said that the man was having a rest at his house, which was interrupted by a knock on his main door. The victim heard the knocking and was awakened, after which he got up to check who was at the door.
Reportedly, the man went to the front door and checked who was standing outside from a see through hole before opening the entrance. The victim spotted an armed man standing outside his house with a shotgun in his hand. As a result, the owner of the house got scared and became fearful for his life. The armed assailant was trying to get access inside the house, but the victim refused to open the door.
It is informed in the reports of the Indian Walk shooting case that the armed suspect failed to get inside the house, and he noticed that the victim was blocking the door. The assailant raised the shotgun and pointed it in the direction of the victim from outside, after which he fired at the door. The suspect fired multiple bullets, which hit the victim over his body and left him injured.
The intention of the armed assailant was clearly to kill the victim, but he fled from the place immediately after the shooting without confirming his death. Subsequently, the criminal act of shooting on the owner of a house in Indian Walk was noticed and was informed to the police department. The victim was able to get help within time, which prevented his death on the spot.
The victim was taken to the Princes Town district health facility under medical observation for treatment. In the health facility, the victim was examined and given primary treatment for his wounds, after which he was transferred to the San Fernando General Hospital. The victim man was reported in serious condition, who suffered wounds to his chest, right shoulder, and right arm.
The police department assigned a dedicated team of police officers who responded to the crime and visited the scene of the shooting in Indian Walk. The crime scene was protected, and the traces of potential evidence were collected by the investigating team of police. The matter is under the investigation process.
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