Grenada: Carriacou experiences ‘drastic’ surge in butterflies following Hurricane Beryl

The Workers who were working for the Pristine Project made the discovery and shared photographs of the caterpillars while describing them as unique species.

22nd of October 2024

Grenada: The island has seen a significant surge in butterflies following the passage of Hurricane Beryl. The surge has been described as ‘drastic’ by the authorities as some of the unique caterpillar varieties were found by workers at the Belair Heritage Park

The Workers who were working for the Pristine Project made the discovery and shared photographs of the caterpillars while describing them as unique species. The pictures shared by the workers are of Elephant Hawk Moth and Ello Sphinx


The surge in the butterfly population can be attributed to the post-hurricane conditions. The increase in humidity and more direct sunlight after a hurricane are some of the major climatic conditions contributing to the creation of an ideal atmosphere for butterfly breeding. 


1.       High Humidity: The increased humidity levels after a hurricane play an instrumental role in driving the butterfly population to grow. Butterflies tend to be sensitive organisms and a drop in humidity and dry weather conditions don’t allow them thrive. 

2.       Direct Sunlight and Warm Temperatures: Following the passage of a hurricane, the warm temperatures tend to rise, as the vegetation gets destroyed leading to an imbalance in the natural ecosystem. This is also fuelled by the direct sunlight which is exposed over the area due to clear skies. 

3.       Rainfall: Although the post-hurricane period tends to have clear weather, but rainfall often persists for a day or two until the threat of a hurricane lowers over the region. This excessive rainfall through and after hurricanes acts as a natural fertilizer and booster for natural vegetation to grow, which ultimately becomes home to caterpillars and butterflies. 

4.       Lower Wind Speed: As a hurricane passes a region, the after-effect remains silent and calm. This is because winds slow for a while and weather conditions turn to normal. This further encourages butterfly activity and mating as it is easier for them in such environments. 


Once a hurricane passes a region, it clears away all the vegetation along with it, converting dense forests and vegetation to destruction. This then creates space for sunlight to directly hit the ground and cause rapid growth of new vegetation. The new and healthy growth then leads to the production of nectar-rich flowers and host plants that caterpillars and butterflies feed upon. 


The hurricane not only affected the vegetation but also had an effect on the animal population. This reduction in birds, and spiders, who are the natural predators of caterpillars and butterflies, helps them to live, recover, and expand rapidly. 


The term refers to a reproductive strategy or phase, when organisms mate often due to favourable weather conditions, regardless of the time of the day. As hurricane causes favourable conditions for butterflies, they mate rapidly causing an increase in the butterfly population. 


Strong winds during a hurricane lead to a migration of the butterfly population to different areas. This often leads to a change and increase in the number of different species of butterflies in an area where the species is not very common. 


There are several myths and stories revolving around the fact that butterflies contribute to the initiation of the first stage of hurricanes. This is believed to happen due to the butterfly effect. This is referred to as a metaphor suggesting that when butterflies flap their wings, it could cause a hurricane.

The effect is based on the fact that the world is interconnected and small changes sometimes lead to large consequences. The fact is that the flap of wings can lead to a tornado, then lead to a hurricane. 


Butterflies are the major pollinators, attracted to many flowers. They flew over flowers to pollinate them, leading to healthy seed development, which ultimately leads to more dense vegetation as the seeds spread. 

Most importantly, the butterflies are a great indicator of a healthy environment, as they are sensitive organisms that instantly leave polluted areas. The presence of butterflies is an indicator that the area is well-suited for them and the weather conditions are developing well. 

Better weather conditions ultimately promote the growth of natural vegetation, leading to restoration and better development and nourishment of the animals. 

The presence of butterflies in Grenada hence indicates that the island is growing back better from the damage it suffered from Hurricane Beryl. The hurricane was a complete disaster as it was one of the most destructive Category-5 Storms that caused the island to ravage to ruins. 

Disclaimer: The update on Grenada: Carriacou experiences ‘drastic’ surge in butterflies following Hurricane  Beryl is purely written by Associates Times. Readers can explore more such topics through the website and get the latest news on the daily happenings in the Caribbean region.