9M girls expected to get married as child brides by 2030: UN

However, the United Nations also lauded the girls for their determination and hard work in being self-sufficient and career focused despite these challenges.

12th of October 2024

World: Nine million girls are expected to get married as child brides by 2030 as revealed by the report of the United Nations. On the occasion of International Day of the Girl, the reality of society has been revealed by the UN and stated that the challenges are the real threat to development. 

However, the United Nations also lauded the girls for their determination and hard work in being self-sufficient and career focused despite these challenges. While voicing for the gender equal world, the UK noted that equality is great as it contributed towards the society-building approach. 

The real questions were raised about the girls that are getting married in childhood across the globe, how will they come forward and voice against injustice. Several experts have also outlined the reason why parents are taking such steps to marry their girl child before the age of age. 

An institution named- Girls Not Brides outlined that the real reason behind such practices is the mindset which is rooted in several communities and countries across the globe. In today’s century, people still believe in the notion that the girls and women are inferior to boys and men, and at the end of the day, they will be moved to their husbands’ house after getting married, so what’s point in focusing on their career. 

The mindset is a complex issue as it has several factors that ultimately lead to the suppression of the girls in such practices. 

What are the reasons behind the girl child marriage?

Financial Factors: According to reports, people who are financially unstable and their income is based on the daily wages, have been marrying their girls in their children. In the situation, where income is unstable, the first person who tend to or ask to sacrifice her life is girl or woman. This is due to the mindset that the girls are needed to lead their life according to the wishes of the man. 

Patriarchal Society: Even in the 21st century, the patriarchal mindset is still prevalent in society as boys are being taught to be tough and superior to girls. Parents are still teaching their girls to be soft and more focused about their marriages. Girls who get married in their childhoods are asked to run their lives according to their husbands as this is their duty to do in the world. 

From their childhood, this mindset is developed among the girls so that they could not protest for their lives and do whatever their parents are husbands are saying. Through the system, the male community controls girls and blocks their access to care and information. Due to this, child marriages are being promoted. 

Ruthless Mindset: The virginity of the girls is considered a controversial and significant thing for the so-called reputation of the male community. In several parts of the world, the mindset still prevails that girls should remain virgins until they get married to someone. Due to this, the parents are making their girl child get married to avoid this situation. They are afraid if their girls lose their virginity before the marriage, then it will be problematic for their reputation in society. 

So, girls are always associated with the reputation of society, and if any girl confesses her love to someone or dares to get intimate with someone before marriage, then it is considered unlawful in several parts of society. In such circumstances, parents may see early marriage as a way to protect their daughters and their families. 

Rapes: Girls are considered private property by the male community and the mindset also led to the crime of the rapes. Girls are being raped frequently by the male community due to the ruthless ad patriarchal mindset of the society. However, if a girl is being raped, then society also hesitates to accept that girl as they think that the girl has lost the reason to live her life. 

In order to protect their daughters from such situations, parents are considering child marriages as a way out. They think that if their girl gets married and then the husband would protect their daughter and keep them safe. 

Education for Girls

Further, the United Nations Report also outlined the data that 119.3 million girls are getting education due to these issues. The girl child marriage, ruthless mindset and patriarchal mindset of society has been restricting girls to get even their basic education. 

According to the society, if girls will be exposed to the society, then it will be harmful for their lives and the reputation of male community. Hence, girls are being sacrificed in different ways across the globe all because of the ego of the male community. 

Male considered themselves superior to the girls and tend to keep the girls in the home. They want a girl who is not career oriented and self-sufficient as it hurts their male ego.