D’Abadie teenager held for larceny after mother’s complaint

Police arrested a teenage boy in a case of larceny and house-breaking in D’Abadie after receiving complaint from his mother.

26th of July 2024

D’Abadie teenager held for larceny after mother’s complaint. Image Credit: West Central Tribune

Trinidad and Tobago: The police department took action in response to a report and arrested a teenage boy in a case of larceny and house-breaking in the D’Abadie district. The teenager was accused of stealing clothes from a house by entering illegally into the property. The incident of crime took place on Wednesday, 24 July, and was reported to the police on the same day during night time around 11:25 pm.

The complaint against the accused teenager was filed to the police department by his own mother for the offence of larceny in the D’Abadie district of Trinidad. The accused is identified as a 16-year-old boy who is a local resident of the district. The teenager lives with his mother, who is also the complainant, in a residence of the settlement in D’Abadie.

As per the reports on the D’Abadie larceny case, the accused boy executed the unlawful act while the victim was not at home. It is said that the young boy went to the home of the victim and made his way to the interior without any information to the house owners. The suspect collected the clothing items from the place and escaped the site, after which all the stolen clothing was found at the home of the teenager.

It is mentioned that the offence was explored by the mother of the young suspect after the unknown clothes were spotted in the house. The victim of the case found that some clothes were missing from the house which belonged to the victim’s son. The loss was observed after the victim returned home on the day at nearly 04:30 pm.

The victim reported the incident of larceny from a house in D’Abadie to the police department before getting the complaint from the suspect’s mother. The victim mentioned in the report that she left her house locked in the morning around 07:00 am, after which she was out all day till 04:30 pm when the crime was explored.

Reportedly, the suspect went inside the house of the victim from the back side as the victim reported that the back door of the house was open upon her arrival. Later that day, at nearly 11:25 pm, the police department was contacted by a lady who raised a complaint against her own son for an offence committed by him.

It was told to the officers of Maloney Police Station that the mother of the suspect found unknown clothes at her house, which she never purchased by her ever. The police officers responded to the complaint and arrested the teenager, and the stolen clothes were also seized. The stolen clothes were later identified by the victim. The probing in the case of D’Abadie larceny is ongoing.