Air arrivals in Antigua and Barbuda records 5% rise in January 2024 compared to 2019

The airlift sector in Antigua and Barbuda experienced significant surge with the rise of 5% in the arrival of the tourists by air in January.

13th of April 2024

Air arrivals in Antigua and Barbuda records 5% rise in January 2024 compared to 2019

Antigua and Barbuda: The airlift sector in Antigua and Barbuda experienced a significant surge with the rise of 5% in the arrival of the tourists by air in January 2024 as compared to the same month in 2019. Prime Minister Gaston Browne expressed pleasure and said that this has marked the potential of the country in the international market.

Notably, 2019 was the best year on record for tourist arrivals and a significant surge in the starting of the 2024, showcasing that the entire year would be better for Antigua and Barbuda. PM Browne stated that this is great news for the country, marking significant progress in the economy.

The latest figures reported by Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association showcased that the arrivals for the first month of the year totalling 31,306, compared with 29,669 for Janaury 2019. The country has largely benefited from the market from the United States with the arrival of 14,606 passengers compared with 11,722 in 2019.

The reports suggested that there is 7% increase in the number of arrivals from the US market as compare to 2019. The growth of the visitors’ arrivals from the US market stood at 47% in Janaury 2024 as it was 40% in 2019 during the same period.

The next important source market for visitors was the UK with 7,955 arrivals in 2024 comapred with 7,681 in 2019. The growth of the arrivals was 25% in January 2024 and 26% in 2019. Canada is the third most valuable source market for visitors to Antigua and Barbuda with 4,525 recorded this year compared with 5,752 for 2019.

Occupancy for the month was down marginally compared with January 2019. The data shows occupancy at 8.5% compared with 86.5, a decline of one per cent. The figure for 2023 was 86.4%. A significant share of overnight visitors stays in hotels, with hotels taking 69 per cent of the market, with guest houses and homes coming in second and third, respectively.

The reports suggested that there is a 5.5% increase in arrivals over 2019, showcasing growth in the sector.

Antigua and Barbuda is one of the ideal destinations, which is known for its stunning landscape and other offerings. Several big airlines, including American Airlines, JetBlue, interCaribbean Airways, Caribbean Airlines, Delta and Silver Airways, provide non-stop direct flights to the country from across the globe.

Antigua and Barbuda also welcomed the airlift service of Frontier airline in 2021 in the winter season, considering one of the great landmarks in the sector.