90 students awarded with scholarship in St Kitts and Nevis

A total of 90 students have received the scholarship on Friday during a brief ceremony in St Kitts and Nevis

31st of August 2024

90 students awarded with scholarship in St Kitts and Nevis

St Kitts and Nevis: A total of 90 students have received the scholarship on Friday during a ceremony in St Kitts and Nevis. The scholarship award was handed over by Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew who expressed pleasure in honouring the deserving student of the country.

PM Drew added that the scholarship is aimed at providing quality education to the students of St Kitts and Nevis. He shared glimpses and cited, ”This is a commitment that I made and continue to expand.”

The scholarship awards were given by the prime minister to the students for a number of years and this year has turned out to be the largest one. He asserted,” For a number of years I have been giving scholarship awards to deserving young people. This year was no exception and was the largest one yet, with over 90 students benefitting.”

He also encouraged all of the students to do good jobs in their life and study hard for their brighter and secure future. PM Drew cited,” I encourage all of us to do our part to raise our children well and to positively invest in their lives.”

The scholarship award ceremony is hosted by Prime Minister Dr Drew every year for awarding students and enhance their education sector. Last year, the Annual Scholarship Ceremony was held at the National Heroes Park in Conaree St Kitts and Nevis on August 30, 2023.

The event was held under the theme-” Caring Hands Supporting Our Children,” aiming to celebrate the achievements of 63 bright young students.

Earlier, sixteen students from St Kitts and Nevis were also presented with scholarships to pursue tertiary level education at universities in the Republic of China (Taiwan) during a ceremony held at Palm’s Court Gardens on this Friday.

The successful students were presented with scholarships through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs scholarships programme and the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) scholarships programme.